A workshop provides an online format for hands-on technical topics or other interactive training. Workshops may be up to 3 hours in length with at least a 15-minute break. Multiple deliveries of a workshop for different time zones can be provided.
Zoom will be used for delivery. Technical workshops will have the option to run on computational resources provided by the SORSE cloud sponsor. We will support you to prepare a computational environment for attendees. You are free to run a session in any suitable manner. However, as part of your contribution to SORSE you will be asked to explain how you will make use of available facilities to run an effective workshop. Where relevant you should consider the use of Zoom break-out rooms, flipped-classroom style delivery and/or use of pre-recorded materials.
You will be asked to specify the maximum number of participants for your session. Please be prepared to recruit a sufficient number of helpers to support workshop delivery. We recommend one helper per 10 attendees.
What should be in my Workshops abstract
Andrew Gait

University of Manchester Manchester, UK
Catherine Smith

University of Birmingham Birmingham, UK
Chris Cave-Ayland

Imperial College London, UK
Eileen Kuehn

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Karlsruhe, Germany
Johan Philips

KU Leuven Leuven, BE
Programme Committee
Operating Committee
Software demos
Mateusz Kuzak

The Netherlands eScience Center Amsterdam, NL
Programme Committee
Panel Discussions
Open Discussions
Operating Committee