Software demos
These can demonstrate
- (domain-specific) research software you have / your team has developed, or
- software that is helpful in our work as RSEs.
A demo contribution should be a demonstration of a system. It is important to focus on items that showcase the contribution of each component of the software. A contribution doesn’t need to be only on a newly innovative software that is developed from scratch. Instead, it can be based on existing tools or software, but with a special focus on the benefits for RSEs. Software demonstrations are done interactively within a 30-minutes long general zoom call. A moderator from the software demo team will set up a video conference via zoom. During the call, you present some example usage of your software and its main features. You may choose whether to do a live interactive demonstration or to share a pre-recorded video.
Live interactive demonstration
In this case you may want to prepare some slides for introduction but we recommend that you spend most of the time on the interactive live demonstration. You could unmute participants and invite them to ask questions via phone or chat window; alternatively, you can also choose to mute everyone and leave all the questions to the end, in which case please leave 20% of your allocated time for questions.
Pre-recorded demonstration
In this case, upload a video that the participants watch, followed by a Q&A session. Please keep the video within 80% of your allocated time.
In both cases, we recommend you to provide clear installation instructions before the session, to enable participants to try out the software prior to your demonstration. If the software is commercial, we recommend that you provide a test-license for participants. If possible, we also recommend preparing some examples that can be run by each participant without installing the software. For example, using to upload jupyter notebooks or enabling a remote desktop with jupyter-desktop-server.
What should be in my Software demos abstract
Alison Clarke

Durham University Durham, UK
Bezaye Tesfaye Belayneh

Helmholtz Center Potsdam - GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ, Potsdam) Potsdam, Germany
David Yuan

European Bioinformatics Institute Cambridge, UK
Johan Philips

KU Leuven Leuven, BE
Programme Committee
Operating Committee
Software demos
Philipp S. Sommer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) Geesthacht, Germany
de-RSE e.V.
Programme Committee
Software demos
Website Committee