Panel Discussions
Panel discussions in SORSE don’t differ much from those at an in-person conference. They include a group of people (the panel) who discuss a specific topic. Panel discussions are moderated, with a moderator introducing the panel and the topic, and asking the panel a predefined set of questions, before opening the session up for discussion with the audience. The general discussion part is also moderated, and questions can be asked in written form by the audience.
A panel discussion session should not be longer than 90 minutes, with about half reserved for the moderated panel discussion. When submitting your idea for a panel session, you should ideally already have candidates for the panel in mind. Having said that, we are also happy to help finding suitable panel members if you cannot come up with a full panel. We also offer the possibility that up to two places in your panel are advertised to the SORSE community, so that interested SORSE participants get the chance to be on the panel. Please indicate if you want to offer panel seats to the SORSE community.
What should be in my Panel Discussion abstract
Gabriel Hanganu

Allan Turing Institute London, UK
Programme Committee
Panel Discussions
Open Discussions
Marion Weinzierl

Durham University Durham, UK
Programme Committee
Code of Conduct
Panel Discussions
Open Discussions
Mateusz Kuzak

The Netherlands eScience Center Amsterdam, NL
Programme Committee
Panel Discussions
Open Discussions
Operating Committee
Stephan Druskat

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Friedrich Schiller University Jena Berlin, Germany
de-RSE e.V.
Operating Committee
Panel Discussions
Open Discussions
Programme Committee
Website Committee