This could take the format of either a workshop or a talk delivered by two or three people. It would be a development of the talk on “Building Research Software Communities” that I gave at deRSE19. If this were to be proposed as a workshop, the aim would be to try and get a group of workshop organisers together who could provide some first-hand perspectives and experiences on trying to set up or grow communities. Maybe you’ve tried to set up a community and it hasn’t been successful. Maybe you started a community but it’s been difficult to sustain it and things have fizzled out. Or, maybe you’ve started a community that has been really successful and is managing to sustain and grow itself without a huge amount of effort. Alternatively, maybe you’re just interested in research software communities and would like to help organise a workshop session on this. Whatever the case, it would be great to put together a workshop on this topic so get in touch if you’d like to collaborate.

Type: Workshops Still looking for contributors: Yes

Contact: Jeremy Cohen